LVR Optical - Laser & Optical Radiation Safety
Laser Safety Apps

LVR Laser Safety for Android

Android App
Following the huge success of the Laser Safety Apps that have been released on the Apple iOS mobile device platform, we are now making plans to start work on versions that will run on the Android platform too, so that users of these devices can enjoy the benefits of having powerful laser safety applications at their fingertips.

If you would like to kept informed of when the release is ready you can register your interest by emailing us with your details along with what Android version you are currently using.  Alternatively, please complete our enquiry form.

Important Safety Note:
Direct exposure to laser light can be harmful to eyesight and normally care should be taken to avoid doing so, especially if the user has little experience in assessing the risk. Laser Show Safety App is provided as tool to aid those competent in assessing laser exposure risk, and should be used alongside other assessment methodologies, not as a substitute.